'Holiday' requests

Requests for term-time absence


We recognise that it is more expensive to take a holiday during school breaks and that is why many parents request term-time Leave of Absence for their child. It is important, however, that parents fully consider the implications of taking their child out of school on their child’s education. If an absence is not authorised we may issue a Penalty Notice or begin legal proceedings.

Regulations regarding holidays in term time

We are committed to giving our students the best education available to them and to continue to raise our standards, this can only be achieved through regular attendance. Therefore we want to assure you that by adhering to national guidelines, we are helping your child fulfil their potential by ensuring that they attend the Academy every day. We value the support of our parents/carers and we hope that you will continue to support both the academy and your child by taking all holidays outside of term time.

Education (Pupil Regulation)(England) Regulations (2018)

  • Regulations mean that headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Exceptional circumstances do not include family holidays, visiting relatives or friends, to be a spectator at sporting or other events, looking after unwell family members, baby sitting younger family members, birthdays or shopping etc.
  • If parents/carers choose to take their child out of school during term time without leave of absence being granted, then it will be recorded as an unauthorised absence on the school register.
  • If parents/carers consider that a request for leave of absence during term time is for exceptional circumstances then a written request should be made to your child’s Head of Year. (This must be done by completing our updated Leave of Absence form which is available from the academy or can be downloaded as a (two-page) WORD document (here) or a PDF (here).  When completed, the form must be returned to the Principal (via the Year Office) for consideration.
  • Parents/carers who fail to ensure their child’s regular attendance can be fined £60 (per parent, per child). If the payment is not made within 21 days this increases to £120.