Across our website there are a variety of policies, documents and pages dedicated to providing information on the way in which Ormiston Sudbury Academy students are supported by our Inclusion Team, through support in the classroom and through the use of the government’s Pupil Premium (and, historically, Catch Up) funding. You can access information via the links below, but should you require any further information or guidance, please do not hesitate to contact our Director of Inclusion, Mrs Jacques, who will be pleased to assist you.

Academy roles

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Contacts and Responsibilities.

This information should be viewed in conjunction with the Academy SEND Policy, which can be found on our Policies page

RoleDesignated personContact Details
SENCO Mr D Howkins[email protected] 
Principal Mrs S Morris[email protected] 
SEND Governor Mrs P Lucas[email protected] 
Director of Inclusion Mrs K Jacques[email protected] 
Pastoral support lead Mrs E Price[email protected] 
Designated safeguarding lead Mrs E Price[email protected] 
Designated teacher for looked after childrenMr D Howkins[email protected] 
Mental Health LeadMrs E Price[email protected] 
In addition, you may find the following agencies/organisations to be useful sources of information, guidance and support:
External agencies
RoleInformationContact Details
Educational Psychologist  
Local SEND Information & Support ServicesSuffolk InfoLink | Suffolk SEND Local Offer 
Local Authority SEN Team [email protected] 
Behaviour Support Team   
Sensory Impairment Service  
IPSEAIndependent Provider of Special education Advice
Council for Disabled ChildrenAdvice & resources for professionals and parents